Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Session Update

So...obviously, I'm not so great with the regular updating. I've been doing most of that in other places.

For my first summer session, I was signed up to take Understanding Information (AGAIN, sigh, I will be so glad when I don't ever EVER have to think about that class again) and Retrieving Information, but I VERY QUICKLY fell behind in that class and ended up dropping it, which actually works out better since, in the fall, they are combining Retrieving and Organizing Information into one class, so that is one fewer required course and one more elective, giving me time for Technology in the Lives of Children (eee! So excited!) and probably History of Children's Literature, eventually.

I have come to the conclusion that I will probably do better in my classes if I pair a required course with one I'm interested in, so I'm not stuck deal with two classes I don't really care about at the same time. At any rate, I have GOT to stop only taking/passing one class a semester. I do NOT want it to take four years for me to get this degree. The plan for the fall semester is Library Management and Technology in the Lives of Children, and we'll take it from there.

The plan for now is to finish the last 200 words of my last late assignment (only two! And the semester's not quite half over! Look at me!) and start getting everything (plane tickets, hotel, etc) squared away for my on campus weekend in July...that is taking place on Wednesday, which is not the weekend but IS Harry Potter day, preventing me from seeing it with my friends in Tucson, but allowing me to see it with my friend in Pittsburgh, possibly...I wonder, if I see the midnight showing with her, she will allow me to crash at her house so I don't have to get a hotel....hmmm....the only concern there would be getting to campus the next morning. This bears thinking. /tangent

I am already in contact with my group to make sure we are totally prepared for our presentation on Censorship and Banned Books. In fact, I'm kind of possibly taking the lead there. Huh.

At any rate, no more late assignments ever! That's my mantra, right after "just pass this damn class already and be done with it!"