Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2 More Days

Tomorrow is the last day of the summer session, and the last day I will ever have to do any work for Understanding Information. I've got two more assignments to finish, but hopefully, I'll be able to crank them out pretty good. I'm gonna aim for one tonight and the last tomorrow.

I've been reading The Meaning of Everything, which is a history of the Oxford English Dictionary as part of the assignment discussing how changes in the production and distribution of information have changed how it's used, and I've had a really hard time figuring out why it was included in this assignment. Last night, I got a breakthrough! I'm totally stoked about this, and I'm kind of looking forward to putting it with what I already have (not much). Hopefully, that feeling carries me through the late night I have ahead of me.

I'm thinking about taking three classes (full time!) this next year so I can graduate on time, but I'm still working through the logistics of it. It would be really nice to be done in a year instead of two, so I'll just keep praying about it and see what I come up with. If I were to take three classes, I think I would pick up Resources for Children, which will probably complement Technology in the Lives of Children quite nicely. Also, would I rather take History of Children's Literature or Digital Libraries? Dilemmas.