Saturday, November 29, 2008

Week 13 Readings and Muddiest Point

No Place to

It is interesting, unsurprising, and a little frightening to see what has been put together on this site. I understand wanting to make people feel safe and increase national security, but I think Ben Franklin said it best: Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither.

TIA and data mining

The best part of this is knowing that the TIA is no longer around. I hate the idea that innocent web searches for something controversial could lead to me being profiled and watched at a distance forever. The government just should not have that much power over the public. It is not cool.

Youtube video

Has been taken down because of a copyright thing or something.

Muddiest Point

How does a library better increase communications with users? How can a library ensure that users will actually utilize Library 2.0 technologies, especially for the users who are not technologically literate?

1 comment:

Oliver Batchelor said...

Yeah, the TIA is no longer around, but your web searches still leave a traceable trail. This has made me clear private data on my browser at least once a week so that no bank account numbers or other bits of info are visible. The mere fact that such a thing existed makes me uneasy.