Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2 More Days

Tomorrow is the last day of the summer session, and the last day I will ever have to do any work for Understanding Information. I've got two more assignments to finish, but hopefully, I'll be able to crank them out pretty good. I'm gonna aim for one tonight and the last tomorrow.

I've been reading The Meaning of Everything, which is a history of the Oxford English Dictionary as part of the assignment discussing how changes in the production and distribution of information have changed how it's used, and I've had a really hard time figuring out why it was included in this assignment. Last night, I got a breakthrough! I'm totally stoked about this, and I'm kind of looking forward to putting it with what I already have (not much). Hopefully, that feeling carries me through the late night I have ahead of me.

I'm thinking about taking three classes (full time!) this next year so I can graduate on time, but I'm still working through the logistics of it. It would be really nice to be done in a year instead of two, so I'll just keep praying about it and see what I come up with. If I were to take three classes, I think I would pick up Resources for Children, which will probably complement Technology in the Lives of Children quite nicely. Also, would I rather take History of Children's Literature or Digital Libraries? Dilemmas.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Session Update

So...obviously, I'm not so great with the regular updating. I've been doing most of that in other places.

For my first summer session, I was signed up to take Understanding Information (AGAIN, sigh, I will be so glad when I don't ever EVER have to think about that class again) and Retrieving Information, but I VERY QUICKLY fell behind in that class and ended up dropping it, which actually works out better since, in the fall, they are combining Retrieving and Organizing Information into one class, so that is one fewer required course and one more elective, giving me time for Technology in the Lives of Children (eee! So excited!) and probably History of Children's Literature, eventually.

I have come to the conclusion that I will probably do better in my classes if I pair a required course with one I'm interested in, so I'm not stuck deal with two classes I don't really care about at the same time. At any rate, I have GOT to stop only taking/passing one class a semester. I do NOT want it to take four years for me to get this degree. The plan for the fall semester is Library Management and Technology in the Lives of Children, and we'll take it from there.

The plan for now is to finish the last 200 words of my last late assignment (only two! And the semester's not quite half over! Look at me!) and start getting everything (plane tickets, hotel, etc) squared away for my on campus weekend in July...that is taking place on Wednesday, which is not the weekend but IS Harry Potter day, preventing me from seeing it with my friends in Tucson, but allowing me to see it with my friend in Pittsburgh, possibly...I wonder, if I see the midnight showing with her, she will allow me to crash at her house so I don't have to get a hotel....hmmm....the only concern there would be getting to campus the next morning. This bears thinking. /tangent

I am already in contact with my group to make sure we are totally prepared for our presentation on Censorship and Banned Books. In fact, I'm kind of possibly taking the lead there. Huh.

At any rate, no more late assignments ever! That's my mantra, right after "just pass this damn class already and be done with it!"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I need more hours in the day

I honestly, honestly do not know how I am ever going to do everything that I need to for school. I'm behind on my watching the lectures, and I have a crazy hard assignment due on Saturday that will take me, according to the teacher, at least six hours. Except I need to do some reading and watch a lecture to actually know what it is I am supposed to be doing. So add another three hours to that. Plus all the books for RfYA, which, they're easy, and I like them, but they still take time. That's what I did last night instead of anything actually useful. At least I was actually doing homework.

I've been having such a hard time sleeping recently, and I have decided to just embrace it and stay up doing homework. Of course, I'm a little sleepy now, but I suppose I'll just have to sleep on the weekends.

I try really hard not to get discouraged and to remember that I'm where I want to be and that I like it. It doesn't always work. It especially doesn't help anything that I still don't know what is actually going on in UI this semester, and I'm supposed to have a posting this week about Structure of the Scientific Revolution, but I don't know what I'm supposed to say about it!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

I hate homework

I have an assignment due tomorrow at 5 PM, Eastern time. This means I have to write it tonight. How much do I not want to? SO MUCH.

Also, I still need to find a dang article to write about. I want something short and interesting about adolescent development. UGH.

ETA: And OF COURSE, I lose my internet connection at my coffee shop, and now I can't get my effing home computer to connect to the site I need for the article I want. I am about to cry. This sucks so bad, and I need to go to bed.

Friday, January 9, 2009

So far, so good

All three of my classes have officially started.

I still don't know how similar UI will be to UI last semester because I don't have a syllabus, but the reading list is very similar. And shorter! That bodes well. I hope.

I watched the video for RfYA last night. I continue to be excited and now, optimistic, about this class. I think it really helps that I really like the material and really wanna work with teens.

Today/tomorrow, I'll be watching the videos for my other two classes. I really want to have all class videos watched by the Saturday after they're posted. Also, on Saturday, I hope to get my article review for RfYA done.

I think I'm off to a good start.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thus begins ... homework

Just a quick note to say that, despite, the redonk amount of homework, I continue to be really excited about RfYA. I'm signed up to be the discussion leader for Twilight and The Graphic Novel. Which is awesome, except that Twilight is the third week of class, and I don't really know what is expected of me. So I'll have to look into that.

Also, RI starts today. Thankfully, I got both books from the library. I'm interested to see what this class will be like.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A new semester is upon us

I hate that I'm laying awake right now thinking about school. I've done everything I can do at this moment, so why won't my brain shut off?

Why haven't I heard anything from my Retrieving Information teacher? I'm gonna email her if I don't hear anything by tomorrow. I feel like it's only polite to email your online students to say "Hey, what up?"

I seriously am going to have ZERO free time this semester. *le sigh*

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Use it or lose it, I always say

(If my updates are still getting emailed to my former TA, I apologize.)

Since I have this blog here already, I figure I'll use it to chronicle my Adventures in Academia.

My classes for next semester officially start in about 24 hours. I am scared shitless. I am retaking the Understanding Information class that kicked my ass last semester, which I am not looking forward to. I was really hoping I could get away with being able to turn in the assignments I've already done, but it doesn't seem like that will be the case.

Add this workload to my Resources for Young Adults class, which, while cool, will also kick my ass. The amount of work for this class is effing ridiculous (hee...I've been spelling "redonk" so much, that I have a hard time remembering the actual spelling of that word). I really do not know how I'm going to ever get everything done. Also, I have to attend all three of the three hour on campus sessions for this class. What could we possibly be talking about for nine hours???????? And of course, the first of these three hour sessions starts an hour before my plane lands. I suppose I could get an earlier flight, but then I would have to book an extra night at the hotel, and I'll have an entire day of free time waiting for this class to start. I guess I could go sightseeing, since I certainly won't have time any other time.

In addition to these two ass kicking classes, I have Retrieving Information, of which I know NOTHING. I know I am registered for it, but I haven't heard from the teacher, and it won't be live on Blackboard until sometime next week, possibly as late as Thursday. So that will be an adventure.

I am so excited. *eye roll*